
Payroll Manager

Manage employee record, track salary changes and do a lot more with VidyaWell’s payroll manager.


VidyaWell’s payroll manager brings the necessary tools to define and calculate the employee salaries into a single bundle. This module lets you calculate the salaries of your employees automatically as well as manually, based on various parameters.

Keep track of salary revision history, transfer, advance payments and much more. Simplify your responsibilities and work burden with VidyaWell’s payroll manager.

Features of Payroll Manager

  • Establish a well defined and easily navigable record of all employees based on their designations.
  • Define the salary of every individual employee with details like PF, ESI, etc.
  • View real-time attendance record of all your employees.
  • View reports of late-comers.
  • Get automatically generated monthly salaries of employees on the basis of their attendance records.
  • Manually generate employee salary on the basis of parameters of your choice.
  • Keep a digital record of advance payments made to the employees.
  • Keep a digital record of salary increments given to the employees. Keep track of salary revision history.
  • Generate and print pay-slips, experience certificates, and employee ID cards.
  • View interactive reports to assess employee performance.

Other Modules

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